Grand Prairie Criminal Defense Attorney

Grand Prairie Criminal Lawyers for Felony and Misdemeanor Charges
Roughly one-third of Americans have a criminal record - meaning that even more have been arrested and charged with a crime. If you are in this position, you are very far from alone, even if it feels that way. With that said, a criminal record can have a strong negative impact on your life. A misdemeanor can make finding good employment challenging, while a felony can restrict your future prospects even more.
At The Law Office of Dennis R. Croman, Inc., we believe that no case is a lost cause. Our attorney will choose the defense strategy he believes is most likely to produce a good outcome. Whether that means a dismissal, a "not guilty" verdict, a reduction in charges to save you from becoming a felon, or even alternative sentencing that keeps you free, we seek out the best possible resolution.
DWI Lawyer in Grand Prairie
Driving while intoxicated is one of the more common criminal charges in Texas. This offense is typically a misdemeanor, although repeated offenses or aggravating factors can elevate a simple DWI into felony territory. There are numerous techniques our firm uses to fight DWI charges. Quite often, your driving privileges are on the line on top of any potential jail or prison time. We know the impact a DWI can have, and we strive to minimize the effects this type of case can have on your life.
Farmers Branch Attorney for Drug Crimes
Our lawyer has defended those charged with drug crimes ranging from misdemeanor marijuana possession or drug paraphernalia all the way up to felony drug manufacturing and trafficking. Being charged with a drug crime can leave you fighting a negative stereotype for a long time. Your reputation is at stake as much as your freedom is. For some cases, alternative, treatment-based resolutions can provide a path to a clear record. No matter what, we will advocate for the best possible solution.
Defense for Sexual Offenses in Arlington
Whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, any type of sex crime conviction can have a major impact on your life. Even finding housing can become challenging, let alone finding professional work. We understand how delicate these cases are and how carefully we must proceed in presenting the best defense available. Even misdemeanor sex offenses, like indecent exposure or prostitution, carry a stigma. A felony can be permanently life-altering. With us, you can be confident that you have a strong, competent legal team behind you.
Legal Help for Violent Crime Charges
Whether a simple argument got out of hand or a false allegation of domestic violence came out during a contentious divorce, you run the risk of being labeled a violent criminal. For the more serious felony crimes involving violence, you could be facing a long prison term. Violent crimes are regarded as some of the worst offenses. Our lawyers know that when you take a closer look at the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged offense, the criminal charge rarely tells the whole story. We use all of this information to construct strong defenses.
Call a Tarrant County Criminal Defense Attorney
If you are facing criminal charges, The Law Office of Dennis R. Croman, Inc. will do everything we can to provide you with the best possible legal representation. Our attorneys are experienced at defending those charged with a wide variety of crimes in Texas. Contact our Grand Prairie Criminal Defense Lawyer at 972-887-3072 for a free consultation.